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Our Team

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 Connie Watson


Connie has traveled extensively into third-world countries, more particularly Africa, where she has engaged in humanitarian relief efforts since 2003.  


With this experience, she has developed a passion for helping advance cultures.  As the founder of Hearts and Hands for Humanity, Inc., she has focused on creating goals that match her passion for helping the Africa people.


Alan & Tish Jackson

President & CEO

Tanzania holds a special place in their heart. Providing clean water for the people has been life-changing. They work extremely hard in giving back to Africa.


Bruce Kemp


Vice President Africa


Bruce has long believed in the philosophy championed by Andrew Carnegie: “A third of your life to learn, a third of your life to earn, and a third of your life to give back. After educational pursuits and business endeavors, he is now in his most cherished part of life, that of giving back. 
Bruce believes that providing the people of Africa with clean water is a great blessing, but the rewards in return received are priceless.

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Mark Murray


Board Member


Mark is full of energy and the kids love it. Mark and his family, Becky and Ali, traveled with us to Tanzania to complete a well for their son and brother who had passed away. They fell in love with the people of Tanzania and have found themselves unable to stay away. 


Dan Dimick

Board Member

It is an honor and a pleasure knowing Dan and having him on our board of directors. Unfortunately shortly after returning home from our July 2017 trip to Africa where Dan played a critical role in restoring an old well and establishing a tank and filter system providing clean water for the Maruango Village, Dan was called home to be with our Heavenly Father. Dan will be greatly missed however we know he is still active on our board assisting us from the other side.

We Love You Dan and
Will Miss You,
God Speed

Lynn Hall

Board Member

Lynn has always had the longing to go to Africa. After experiencing a trip to Africa he said "As we worked on and were able to find a way to get an old well functioning and get a water system working in the Maruango Village, it is almost impossible to explain the feeling I got from the people when we finished up and they knew that they had a good water source and how that not only changed their lives but the lives of their family members to come."


Lynn looks forward to many more trips in Africa to help provide fresh clean water to thousands of people




Vaughn Henrie

Board Member

Vaughn was raised in southern Idaho on a small family farm without running water, Vaughn grew up with an appreciation for the value of clean drinking water. He was involved in the development of the wells and water systems for villagers in Mirugangu and Magugu Tanzania.

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Hearts and Hands for Humanity is a registered 501 (c)(3) non-profit solution   |   All content © 2017 Hearts & Hands for Humanity, Inc.

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