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Hearts and Hands for Humanity
OUR Mission

Hearts and Hands for Humanity was founded to engage family and friends in our humanitarian efforts, with the hope we make a better world.

The Problem

According to the World Health Organization

1.8 Billion people live without access to clean water.

3.4 Million people die each year due to water related illnesses.

115 people die each hour in the Africa region alone.

With a child under the age of 5 dying every minute due to water-related disease in Africa alone, and the continent’s newborn baby population over the next 35 years projected at more than two billion, now is the time to act. 


We Are The Solution

With your help, Hearts and Hands for Humanity provides clean water to communities in Africa. The result of our efforts is that lives are saved, improve overall health, increase access to food, grow local economies, and empower children to better their lives by spending more time in school.


What Makes Us Different

"...teach a man to fish, he eats for a lifetime."

Many other humanitarian efforts in Africa come in the form of a handout from entities whose intentions are good, but merely offer a temporary fix to a problem, rather than providing a viable, long-term solution and encouraging those in need to become self-sufficient.

Although donations are needed to procure the hard costs of the actual drills, wells and pumps, we require the local recipients of these perpetual gifts of empowerment to do the work necessary to complete the process of bringing clean drinking water to those in need.

Our Partners

At Hearts and Hands for Humanity, we understand that we have embarked on a monumental task. It will take the help of many great people and organizations to create the success we envision, as we attempt to eradicate poverty. This mission cannot be accomplished alone, which is why we have partnered with THREE, a health and wellness company with a big heart!

“At Vasayo, our goal in partnering with Hearts and Hands for Humanity is to dig 1,000 wells. Accomplishing this goal will mean that 1 million needy children and adults who heretofore have not had access to clean water will finally have this precious resource,” says Dallin A. Larsen, Vasayo Founder.

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Hearts and Hands for Humanity is a registered 501 (c)(3) non-profit solution   |   All content © 2017 Hearts & Hands for Humanity, Inc.

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