Welcome to Robyn, Maddy, and Minty's Fundraiser to help children
in Tanzania receive clean water and more!



Hi, my name is Aliviah Barkle. I heard about Hearts and Hands for Humanity because of my dad. He has gone to Eastern Africa with this amazing organization before to help drill wells for children and villages who have none. These wells offer clean water, which the people that live there desperately need to survive.
They are drinking dirty, diseased water, which in some cases causes serious sickness or even death. They need help and I would love to be part of it!
I have the opportunity to go with my best friend, my mama! We will be able to help dig a well just like my dad did, and I will be able to work in an orphanage as well! In order for this to happen, we need to raise money in a short amount of time. Please consider donating to help my mom and I get to Africa! We know we can do it with your help!
Help us help them by donating today!
Our goal is to raise $11,000 for our trip. Donate an additional $10,000 and sponsor a water well in your name to be drilled while we are there!
This is Martha who runs a group home for the disabled. Our group will spend some time with her, serving and helping where we can. I’ll spend a few extra days
helping her take care of these
beautiful children.

Thank you for your donation. We welcome donations of any amount and view all donated funds as sacred funds. Your donation will bless the lives and literally save lives of children and their families in Eastern Africa.

Sponsor Your Own Well
For Donating
Although a well is capable of serving many more we estimate each well will serve 2,500 kids and villagers​
For this donation, you will receive a customized
plaque prepared with your requested information to
be mounted on your well.

Sponsor a Partial Well
For Donating
or more and we will place your desired name or verbage on one of our multiple donor plaques and it will be mounted on one of our multiple donor wells.

Time to go Shopping!!!
Proceeds from our store will be applied to
the Gain the Edge Fundraiser

Donate Using Venmo

Other Ways to Donate
Please contact us in advance so that your charitable donation can be easily and accurately tracked and recorded for tax purposes.
Hearts and Hands for Humanity
1878 West 12600 South, Suite 303
Riverton, UT 84065