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Deer Valley Resort and Mt. Kilimanjaro

Over 8,000 Items Donated
With the two containers we have shipped from Deer Valley, Utah to Tanzania we have provided over 8,000 items.
As you can see from the pictures these items have included coats, jackets, vests, pants, and other items.
We are looking forward to shipping another container in the fall of 2022.
I know what you are thinking: Why do they need coats in Africa?
The guides and porters who escort the hikers to the top of the mountain can experience temperatures as cold as -20 Fahrenheit. Each year the low temperatures on the mountain claim the lives of guides and porters. Because of the generous donations of gear from Deer Valley Resort, our efforts save lives.
The guides and porters of Kilimanjaro singing the Kili theme song in their Deer Valley gear!
"Someone Has to do Something about this"
Just weeks following our last delivery of Deer Valley items to the guides and porters of Mt Kilimanjaro a couple gentlemen approached Allan, an employee of Deer Valley on the slopes of Deer Valley to share an experience they had on Mt Kilimanjaro.
Just a couple weeks earlier they were hiking Mt Kilimanjaro and recognized the dangerous situation that the guides and porters were with the extreme cold and many of them with only t-shirts. As they discussed this together they determined that something had to be done to protect the hard working guides and porters from freezing and death.
As they were descending the mountain they recognized many of the guides and porters they were seeing had green coats and cold weather pants with them. They began to wonder what was going on and as they approached the exit gate at the bottom of the mountain the witnessed a bus with thousands of cold weather gear items donating them to the guides and porters at no cost.
They expressed to Allen how amazing it was to be at the top of the mountain determining that something had to be done to protect the guides and porters from freezing to death and then to arrive at the bottom of the mountain and see someone doing something about it.

Porters happily receiving their new gear as they come off the mountain.

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